
Showing posts with the label How To Export Your Gmail Contents

How To Export Your Gmail Contents :- Export your address book to Outlook CSV, Google CSV, or vCard format

How to Export Your Gmail Contacts Export your address book to Outlook CSV, Google CSV, or vCard format What to Know In Google Contacts, select  Export  >  Contacts  and choose the appropriate format. You can export the entire list or only certain groups. New automatic contact entries are found under  Other contacts  in Gmail Contacts. This article details how to export your Gmail Contacts list for use in other accounts and applications. The instructions apply to the web version of Gmail and across all browsers.  Export Your Gmail Contacts Your address book isn't tied to one Gmail address. You can use it with another Gmail account or a desktop email program such as  Outlook ,  Mozilla Thunderbird , or  Yahoo Mail . To export your full Gmail address book: 1.   Open Google Contacts. The easiest way to do that is                                          to visit  or select the  apps menu  in the upper-right c